I am Tim, 27 years old and Key Account Manager at Katoen Natie. I started my traineeship two years ago at Katoen Natie. During these two years, I got the chance to further develop myself.

In the first year you are active on the floor. Here you get to know different processes. By the end of the first year you will have a better idea of the direction you want to head to.

Together with the mentor you are assigned you go through the different options. You can further elaborate the operational side. If you want to go more in the commercial direction,  then Key Account Manager is something for you. You could also move on to Systems or gain experience abroad, is one of the possibilities. 

CIP or Continuous Improvement is in Katoen Natie's DNA. And within this environment you are stimulated to share your ideas and to further explore them. This freedom to propose ideas, and then be allowed to develop them, is something that is very important to me. 

Our people make the difference

The freedom to propose ideas, and then be allowed to develop them, is something that is very important to me.

TimManagement Trainee - Key account manager
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